Return Policy

  • Our policy is up to 30 days, beginning from the date of delivery.
  • If you would like to return your item, please contact us at Postage and any shipping/customs costs are covered at your expense.
  • To be eligible for a return ,Your item should be unused and in the same condition as when you received it, including the original packaging.
  • Returns may be rejected if items show obvious signs of use, are not in their original condition, are damaged or missing parts not due to our error, or if returned more than 30 days after delivery.
  • After receiving and inspecting your return, we’ll send you an email confirming its receipt. Subsequently, we’ll notify you whether your refund has been approved or declined. If approved, the refund process will commence, and the amount will be credited to your original method of payment within 14 days.
  • The products shall be returned (if eligible) within 14 days after cancellation. Even if the product is damaged, it still needs to be returned for a refund, or a replacement can be opted for at no extra cost.
  • Returns are not accepted for custom orders or gift cards.
  • In the event that you do not collect your package and it is returned to us due to your failure to pick it up, a 32 USD fee will be incurred. This fee encompasses the costs associated with shipping, handling, and restocking of the products.
  • Items are eligible for replacement only in the event of arrival in a defective or damaged condition. Returns for changes in design are not accepted.
  • Shipping fees are not subject to refund. In case of a refund, the shipping expenses will be subtracted from the refunded amount.
  • It’s not possible to modify or delete a confirmed order. If you cancel your order, a handling fee of 35 USD will be deducted.
  • All shipments come with full tracking capabilities. If the tracking information indicates delivery but you claim non-receipt, we cannot accept responsibility or reship the order. In such instances, any replacements would need to be arranged at your own expense.
  • For lost packages, claims must be submitted within 4 weeks of the estimated delivery date. We will cover all shipping and replacement expenses. Your cooperation may be necessary to confirm the accuracy of the shipping address and assist in contacting your local post office to locate the lost package.
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